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Battle Rap News

Watch Seattle Premier of the Bodied Movie

June 7, 2018, 7:11 pm

By now you've probably heard of Bodied - the battle rap film produced by Eminem which features damn near the entire culture of battle rap. It still hasn't seen a proper release date, but if you're in Seattle you can catch an exclusive premier this weekend. See below for the movie's desciption..
From the director of Detention and producer Eminem comes a transgressive satire of race, appropriation, and political correctness in the world's most artistically brutal sport - battle rapping.  The film functions as a cultural mirror, one that invites you to laugh, gasp, and most importantly— and perhaps most damningly — to invite recognition. 
Indiewire calls Bodied, "one of the most exciting modern portraits of race relations period, and a daring assault on white liberal privilege that checks it
from the inside out."
Screening at the 44th Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF):
Saturday, June 9 · 9:30 PM · SIFF Cinema Egyptian
Sunday, June 10 · 9:15 PM · SIFF Cinema Egyptian